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by Theo Strauss

由西奥·斯特劳斯(Theo Strauss)

如何为阅读,点击和回复率达到100%的CEO设计一封冷邮件 (How to design a cold email for a CEO with a 100% read, click, and response rate)

银河电子邮件指南:第二部分 (The Emailer’s Guide To The Galaxy: Part II)

As I explained in my last post, I’m 17, so my network isn’t too big just yet. For me, cold emails are the easiest and most direct way to reach a founder. Over the past year, I’ve sent over one hundred emails to CEO’s, founders, and heads of design, and have gotten a response from over 80% of them.

正如我在上一篇文章中解释的那样,我今年17岁,因此我的网络还不太庞大。 对我来说,冷电子邮件是联系创始人的最简单,最直接的方法。 在过去的一年中,我已经向CEO,创始人和设计负责人发送了一百多封电子邮件,并且得到了80%以上的答复。

My emails started out unconventionally — filled with long paragraphs, massive intros, and frankly, very little about the recipient. But, with A/B tests, just the right amount of analytics, and persistence, I was able to notice what stuck.

我的电子邮件以非常规的方式开头-充满了长长的段落,大量的简介,坦率地说,关于收件人的信息很少。 但是,通过A / B测试,适量的分析和持久性,我得以发现问题所在。

Most people just assume they’re bad writers, others think it takes a degree in communications. Not me. In this post, I’m going to give you a play by play handbook on what I learned in the past year. And, by the end, you should be able to lock down a meeting with whomever you want.

大多数人只是认为自己是不好的作家,其他人则认为需要交流才能。 不是我。 在这篇文章中,我将通过戏剧手册向您介绍我在过去一年中所学到的知识。 最后,您应该可以锁定与任何人的会议。

电邮地址 (The email address)

Depending on whom you’re emailing, the address you choose to send your email to can decide your fate.


Why? I get into this in the first post of this series - . I touch on deciding which email address to use in the first part of that post. You should probably read that before getting into this one.

为什么? 在本系列的第一篇文章中,我将对此进行介绍- 。 我将决定在该帖子的第一部分中使用哪个电子邮件地址。 您可能应该先读一读,然后再开始阅读。

撰写电子邮件 (Composing the email)

主题行 (The subject line)

In the world of email, the battle starts before your message is even opened.


It’s your subject line against the rest in their inbox. You’re a mere peasant among the hundreds of others vying for the king’s attention. To get in front of the throne, to have the king hear your thoughts, the subject line of your email has to be perfect. There are two ways of going about this:

这是您针对他们收件箱中其余内容的主题行。 在争夺国王的注意力的数百人中,您只是一个农民。 为了登上王位,让国王听到您的想法,您电子邮件的主题行必须完美。 有两种解决方法:

  1. The trojan horse

  2. Knocking on the front door


The trojan horse strategy is another name for camouflaging. Here’s an example:

特洛伊木马策略是伪装的另一个名称。 这是一个例子:

What do you think?

Remember, with hundreds of emails coming in a day, the CEO you’re emailing skims their email for the ones that need the most attention. This subject line blends perfectly into the myriad of other work emails they’re receiving.

请记住,每天发送数百封电子邮件,您正在发送电子邮件的CEO会针对需要最关注的电子邮件浏览其电子邮件。 该主题行完美地融入了他们收到的其他许多工作电子邮件中。

“What do you think?” can apply to a proposal that needs looking over, a meeting that needs confirming, or a random question. Consistently clicking on subject lines similar to this one might get your email opened.

“你怎么看?” 可以应用于需要查看的提案,需要确认的会议或随机问题。 持续单击与此主题相似的主题行可能会打开您的电子邮件。

Knocking on the front door is the complete opposite of the trojan horse. These types of subject lines are perfect for a pitch or if you stand out and can take advantage of that. Here’s an example:

敲门是特洛伊木马的完全对立面。 这些类型的主题行非常适合于音高,或者在您脱颖而出时可以利用。 这是一个例子:

$10 million in revenue 1 month in, now I need your help

This is complete clickbait, but it can pay off in big ways. The rest of this post will guide you in keeping their attention now that you’ve grabbed it.

这是完全的诱饵,但可以带来很大的回报。 这篇文章的其余部分将引导您吸引他们的注意,因为您已经掌握了它。

打招呼 (The greeting)

“Hi,” “hey,” “hello,” “what’s up,” “yo,” “dear,” “good morning,” “whomever it may concern”. The first two words of your email set the tone for your entire note.

“嗨”,“嘿”,“你好”,“怎么了”,“哟”,“亲爱的”,“早上好”,“可能会担心的事情”。 电子邮件的前两个单词设置了整个笔记的语气。

That’s why deciding which greeting to use is crucial. The one I’ve found the most success with is “Hi [first name],” and . This is because it’s not too casual (For example, “hey” or “what’s up”) and it’s not too formal such as “dear” or “whomever it may concern.”

因此,决定使用哪种问候语至关重要。 我发现最成功的一个是“嗨(名字)”, 。 这是因为它不太随意(例如,“嘿”或“怎么了”),也不太正式,例如“亲爱的”或“可能会担心的事情”。

It’s ultimately up to the person you’re emailing, though. When they respond, they might use a different greeting than you. From then on, use their greeting while emailing with them. If they respond with the same greeting, you hit a home run.

不过,最终取决于您的电子邮件发送者。 他们回应时,可能会使用与您不同的问候语。 从那时起,在与他们发送电子邮件时使用他们的问候。 如果他们以相同的问候回应,您将获得本垒打。

第一行 (The first line)

You’ve convinced the person you’re emailing into looking at your note and you set the tone with the greeting. Now, it’s time to grab their attention.

您已经说服了要发送电子邮件的人来查看您的便笺,然后设置了问候语。 现在,该吸引他们的注意力了。

Here’s a look at the line I use:


I’m not a normal kid. I’m 17, go to the Dalton School, right uptown from [insert their company here], and I’d love to ask a question.

我不是一个普通的孩子 。 我17岁从[在这里插入他们的公司]上城的道尔顿学校,我很想问一个问题

Let’s break that down. In one sentence, I’ve said:

让我们分解一下。 我用一句话说过:

  1. Who I am

  2. Why I’m different

  3. How we’re distantly related

  4. What my purpose is with this email


CEO’s don’t have much time, and they have even less for people they don’t know. Captivating them in the first sentence is key.

首席执行官的时间不多,而他们不认识的人所花的时间更少。 在第一句话中吸引他们是关键。

The bolded words are the most important. Being 17, a kid, sets up who I am and what makes me differenct. Because I’m local to where they are, it gives them an incentive to learn why I’m reaching out to them. And, instead of just saying “Hi, nice to meet you”, I’m declaring that I have an intention.

粗体字是最重要的。 17岁的时候,一个孩子就决定了我是谁,以及让我与众不同的原因。 因为我对他们所在的地方是本地的,所以这使他们有动力学习为什么我与他们联系。 而且,我不是在说“嗨,很高兴认识您”,而是在声明我有一个意图。

Let’s look at an example opener:


I’m a junior at Stanford, 95% of the campus is on my app, and I wanted to talk about YC.

The same four keys appear in this sentence. The sender is a Stanford student, they’re different because of the number of users they have, the example recipient is a Stanford alum, and has gone through YCombinator.

这句话中出现了相同的四个键。 发送者是斯坦福大学的学生,由于用户数量的不同,他们是不同的。示例接收者是斯坦福大学的明矾,并通过了YCombinator。

The first sentence is setting the stage for the rest of the email and offers a quick preview from the inbox. On that topic, here’s how much preview space there is for different email clients.

第一句话为其余电子邮件奠定了基础,并提供了来自收件箱的快速预览。 关于该主题,这是用于不同电子邮件客户端的预览空间。

Apple Mail: 140 charactersGmail: 110 charactersAOL: 75 charactersOutlook: 55 characters

Apple Mail:140个字符Gmail:110个字符AOL:75个字符Outlook:55个字符

The example above has 88 characters, and if you include the subject line, it’s 109, just below Gmail’s cap.


生物 (The bio)

Here’s one thing to keep in mind while writing an email: just like it was a fight to get your email clicked on, it’s still a fight to have them read line after line of the body. Captivating your reader with every paragraph is essential.

这是写电子邮件时要牢记的一件事:就像要让您的电子邮件被点击一样,让他们逐行阅读正文仍然是一场斗争。 每个段落都要吸引读者。

The key to making the CEO read each line is to draw connections between the two of you. With more in common, the recipient will want to keep reading, just to see what sets you apart. It’s exactly like how getting a job is easier if you went to the same school as the founder of the company.

让首席执行官读懂每一行的关键是在你们两个之间建立联系。 如果有更多共同点,接收者将希望继续阅读,只是想知道让您与众不同的地方。 这就像您要与公司创始人一起上同一所学校一样容易找到工作。

The bio is the place to do that. While making connections, you’re also touting everything you’ve done that’s impressive and how you’ve gotten to where you are.

生物是这样做的地方。 建立联系的同时,您也要赞扬您所做的一切令人印象深刻,以及到达目的地的方式。

The trick to making those connections in each paragraph is research. I recommend you find five links about the founder, CEO, or person you’re reaching out to before even starting your draft:

在每个段落中建立这些连接的技巧是研究。 我建议您在开始草稿之前找到五个与创始人,首席执行官或您要联系的人的链接:

  • 1 interview with them

  • 2 articles covering them

  • Their website / about page

  • Their LinkedIn (past companies, education, volunteer work, and contact info)


On each page, you’re bound to find one piece of information that helps your case. Whether it’s a shared city or school, or even if you have a friend who worked for a company they did, it’s helpful to put that in your bio.

在每一页上,您一定会找到有助于您解决问题的一条信息。 无论是共享城市还是学校,或者即使您有一个为他们工作过的公司工作的朋友,也都可以将其放入您的个人简历中。

Here’s an example of the bio I used for my last email:


New York has taught me to take a deep interest in the world around me: the energy, the innovation, and the perspectives.


A couple years ago I started to brand companies, one of which Hillary Clinton Instagrammed about, which led me to start designing apps, creating solutions to New Yorkers’ daily problems.

几年前,我开始涉足品牌公司, 希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)就是其中之一,这促使我开始设计应用程序,为纽约人的日常问题创建解决方案。

To bring them to life, I taught myself to code, which landed me at WWDC as a scholar.


Meeting founders there, I started to conduct case studies, looking at how design can help solve problems the future poses, looking at how ride-hailing can be made more accessible.


After WWDC, during the summer, I Citi Biked across the Brooklyn Bridge every day to intern at a startup in DUMBO.


And last fall, I trained to run a marathon, running every day in Central Park. In November, I crossed the finish line in Cape Cod.

去年秋天,我训练了马拉松比赛,每天在中央公园跑步。 11月,我越过了科德角的终点线。

You’re probably thinking, “that’s one long bio.” In reality, the more in common you two have there, the more they’re willing to read.

您可能在想,“那是一个漫长的过程。” 实际上,两个人的共同点越多,他们越愿意阅读。

Let’s break this bio down. The person I emailed 1) lives in New York and was on the former mayor’s communications & marketing team, 2) worked on Hillary’s campaign, 3) had tagged WWDC on her Instagram, 4) is at Citi Bike right now working on alternative transit, and 5) is a runner.

让我们分解一下生物。 我发送电子邮件的人1)居住在纽约,曾任前市长的沟通和营销团队成员; 2)曾在希拉里的竞选活动中工作; 3)在她的Instagram上标记了WWDC; 4)现在在花旗自行车公司工作,从事替代交通, 5)是跑步者。

Five things in common from five websites, all in chronological order. This makes the email flow, progressing from the past to the present.

来自五个网站的五个共同点,都按时间顺序排列。 这使电子邮件流从过去发展到现在。

奉承和要求 (The flattery and the ask)

After making the connection between the founder and yourself, now is the point to make the connection between you and the company they founded/run.


Showing why you love their company so much is the perfect stage to deliver your ask. This section is short, but it is impactful. Before getting into why this is so successful, let’s look at an example:

表明您为什么如此爱他们的公司是完成您的要求的理想阶段。 本节简短,但很有影响力。 在解释为什么如此成功之前,让我们看一个例子:

Your work and mindset, frankly, inspire me. As a co-founder of a startup and an aspiring designer, I look up to you, your past work, and [company name].
坦率地说,您的工作和思维方式激发了我。 作为一家初创公司和有抱负的设计师的共同创始人,我仰望您,您过去的工作以及[公司名称]。
Your platform has changed the way people communicate, but in a way none has before: it’s done so with design.
Now, I want to help [company name] inspire more people by joining your interaction team. With my background being intertwined with the word design, itself, I’m positive that I can truly help make a difference. I know both sides of the coin, the engineering, and the design side, and I hope to bring that with me.
现在,我想通过加入您的互动团队来帮助[公司名称]激发更多的人。 我的背景与“设计”这个词本身交织在一起,我很确定自己可以真正做出改变。 我知道硬币的两面,工程方面和设计方面,我希望随身携带。

In three short paragraphs, I explain why I think the CEO is so special, why I think their company is so special, and why I’m emailing in the first place.


This works because, in the first paragraph, the flattery makes the recipient excited. In the second, the CEO sees a true understanding of their company. And by the third, the quick acceleration has brought the reader to the ask in a good mood, allowing them to absorb why it was worth getting to the point of this email and what separates the writer from the average.

之所以有效,是因为在第一段中,奉承使接受者感到兴奋。 第二,CEO看到了对他们公司的真实了解。 第三,快速的加速使读者心情愉快,使他们能够理解为什么值得读到这封电子邮件,以及作者与普通读者有何不同。

As you might’ve noticed in this email, and this Medium post, paragraphs are kept to two or three sentences max.


The shorter paragraphs make the email feel shorter as a whole. Instead of endless scrolling, the reader feels as if they are making progress after each paragraph ends.

较短的段落使电子邮件整体上感觉较短。 读者不会感到无休止地滚动,而是感觉到每个段落结束后他们都在进步。

Longer paragraphs also lead to skimming, and somewhere in the middle sentences, the reader loses focus.


Finally, as most CEO’s read their email on a mobile device, long paragraphs look long, and short paragraphs look normal.

最后,当大多数首席执行官在移动设备上阅读电子邮件时, 长段看起来很长,短段看起来很正常。

结论 (The conclusion)

Just how the email accelerated to its apex quickly, it needs to decelerate quickly as well. Once the reader knows the point of your email, they don’t care much about the rest. So in the conclusion, you need to wrap up and get out.

就像电子邮件如何快速加速其顶点一样,它也需要Swift减速。 一旦读者知道了您的电子邮件的要点,他们就不会在乎其余的内容。 因此,在总结中,您需要总结并离开。

I’d be thrilled to hear your thoughts and would love to continue this conversation. My resume is attached and reference letters are included in it. My portfolio is just my website, so that’s linked as well. Let me know what you think.
我很高兴听到您的想法,并希望继续这段对话。 我的简历附后,其中包括推荐信。 我的投资组合只是我的网站,因此也是链接的。 让我知道你的想法。

This sums up everything you need, you can even copy and paste. The reason this works is that it continues the positive attitude and excitement while offering further reading, like a resume or portfolio.

这样就总结了您所需的一切,甚至可以复制和粘贴。 这样做的原因是,它在提供进一步阅读(如履历表或作品集)的同时,继续保持积极的态度和激动。

签名 (The signature)

Similar to when talking about the first line, many options are available to sign off with.


“All the best,” “best,” “thanks a ton,” “thanks,” “cheers,” “sincerely,” and a simple dash are some examples.


Full disclosure, I use “cheers,” but Business Insider recommends “thanks.” Look at for this one.

完全披露,我使用“欢呼”,但Business Insider建议使用“谢谢”。 看看为此 。

Just like five links were recommended in research, five links are recommended for the signature. After testing as few as one link to as many as six, I’ve found it’s a in perfect balance. You should add your:

就像在研究中建议使用五个链接一样,建议在签名中使用五个链接。 在测试了少至一个链接到多达六个链接之后,我发现这是一个完美的平衡。 您应该添加以下内容:

  • Website/portfolio/Github

    网站/作品集/ Github
  • Resume

  • LinkedIn

  • Email

  • Phone number


Formatting tip: put a space between the first three and the last two, in order to separate your personal links from contact info.


发送按钮(请不要按!) (The send button (don’t press it yet!))

One last thing: before pressing the send button, you need to prepare the war room.


If you send an email without a tracker or the right analytics, your odds of getting a response go down significantly. So, in my , I’ll cover how to ensure a response by seeing when they read your email, what they click, and how that can inform what your follow up should look like.

如果您在没有跟踪器或正确分析的情况下发送电子邮件,则得到回复的几率会大大降低。 因此,在我的 ,我将介绍如何通过查看他们何时阅读您的电子邮件,他们单击了什么以及如何通知您的后续情况来确保响应。

If you liked this post, hold down that ? icon (you can go up to 50, you know). Stay tuned for the next post and the one after that, which will go into tracking the progress of your email.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请按住它? 图标(最多可以增加到50个)。 请继续关注下一篇文章以及之后的文章,它将跟踪您的电子邮件进度。

to learn more about design from a new perspective, literally. For the next few months, I’m diving into how design will intersect with the future. On this page, you’ll see case studies looking into self-driving cars and posts highlighting interfaces that are breaking boundaries in the world of UI/UX.

,从新的角度真正地了解有关设计的更多信息。 在接下来的几个月中,我将深入研究设计如何与未来相交。 在此页面上,您将看到有关自动驾驶汽车的案例研究,并突出显示了打破UI / UX世界边界的界面。

You can also catch me on and !





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